Individual coaching

Become an inspiring leader

My individual coaching often takes place in “change management” situations, following an onboarding, promotion, restructuring or a change in business strategy. One of the major axes of my work is the development of your “Executive Presence”. By strengthening your communication, your presentation and your gravitas you increase your impact and your performance.

Renforcer la performance managériale à travers des séances de coaching individuel

Strengthen managerial performance

Work on your Soft Skills

Stepping back helps develop critical thinking and promotes innovation, creativity and adaptability.
Conscientiser ses forces grâce à des séances de coaching managérial

Become aware of your strengths

Recognize your strengths

By setting SMART goals
=> Specific
=> Measurable
=> Reachable
=> Realistic and motivating
=> Temporally defined
Améliorer son positionnement relationnel grâce aux ateliers de coaching

Improve your relational positioning

Améliorer son positionnement relationnel

Relational skills are essential to establish a serene and positive work environment. Developing active listening, empathy and expressing yourself with ease allows you to gain confidence and credibility.

My « catalogue »


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Aide et conseil

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Partage d'expertise

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