About me

Executive Coach specialized in management

Executive Coach specialized in management, I support leaders in the development of their managerial posture with the objective of their performance and that of their teams.

" Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power"

Sabine Baer: Executive Coach

Graduated from ICHEC in individual and team coaching and certified INSEAD Executive Coach, my role is to give you the benefit of a rich experience in the field, in which excellence and the customer experience are the drivers of performance, to become a inspired, inspiring and ever more efficient leader !

Originally from the south-west of France, my professional career has led me to experience transculturality. I have lived for more than 25 years in Brussels, an intercultural city par excellence, and it is from Brussels that I coach, in French and in English, with measurable results. My clients are directors, managers and senior executives; executive, financial and creative profiles working in a large number of economic sectors.