





My management essentials : Gravitas

Gravitas is the combination of calm and confidence that a leader is able to project. It induces a certain posture, an attitude we call Executive Presence, today a key skill to be developed.

“The objective of my work is to optimize the performance of management teams by strengthening the managerial stance. This support allows managers to grow in skills and develop a leadership style adapted to the needs of all employees.”

Individual and team coaching

By inducing awareness and defining concrete actions, you will obtain a significant and measurable increase in your performance while gaining legitimacy and credibility.

Sabine Baer in team coaching
International individual or team coachings


Being based in Brussels, most of my face-to-face coaching takes place in Belgium and France. Thanks to the development of communication media, I also coach internationally, in French and English.

What benefits?


Organize your work to increase performance

Performance increase

Understanding the contours of your role and exploring its different axes allows you to define the levers of action in order to overcome the challenges you encounter.


Close-knit and committed teams

Close-knit and committed teams

My mission is to help you generate the virtuous spiral of trust and personal and collective commitment, guarantees of success.


Chess game representing managerial stature: confidence, legitimacy and credibility.

More legitimacy and credibility

My approach allows my clients to gain in maturity and managerial stature to grow in confidence, legitimacy and credibility.


Individual coaching workshop

Self-confidence and optimism regained

Each individual is endowed with multiple talents that they can develop throughout their journey. Its intrinsic need is to create meaning, to find its "purpose", generator of balance.

Ils nous ont fait confiance

© Sabine Baer - all rights reserved - 2025