How are the workshops going?

Plan de travail 1

90 minutes

My typical individual coaching session is 90 minutes. It can take place face-to-face or virtual.
My typical individual coaching session is 90 minutes. It can take place face-to-face or virtual. However, face-to-face contact is desirable. An “alliance of trust” is essential to reap all the benefits of a coaching course.
Plan de travail 1

Meeting team members individually

It is indispensable to meet the team members individually and to fully understand the interpersonal dynamics in place.
Team coaching is based on a good prior knowledge of all team members. It is indispensable to meet the team members individually and to fully understand the interpersonal dynamics in place. Based on these insights, I propose the various cohesion animation or training workshops that will meet the specific needs of the team.
Plan de travail 1

Understand the contours of your role

Understanding the contours of your role and exploring its different axes allows you to take a step back from the blocking situations encountered. Together we define the levers of action that will allow you to overcome the challenges.
My role during each session will be to allow you to become aware and identify the factors that hinder your performance. The origin of obstacles is often environmental, situational or personal. Understanding the contours of your role and exploring its different axes allows you to take a step back from the blocking situations encountered. This allows you to define the levers of action that will allow you to overcome the challenges you encounter.